Cultural Engineering
- Category: Uncategorised
- Published: Wednesday, January 29 2020 11:02
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 10284
"Culture eats Strategy for breakfast"
This quote, often attributed to the late Peter Drucker but appearing in various forms for the last few decades enshrines the concept of organizations being multi faceted systems, with a human component underlying everything. Those humans exist not just in the world of the organization, but in their own worlds also. Each one brings a unique set of learning, skills, behavioral attributes and experiences to their working lives, and the combination of those - individually and in teams - can ease or destroy any change initiative. This has been proven thousands of times over in every industry on the planet. If you don't pay attention to the culture, you radically reduce your chances of success.
BR has extensive experience in Change Management. Lee was on the faculty of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership University back in the early 2000's, where he re wrote the Change Management course for MEP consultants nationwide. He was also trained in the GE Change Acceleration process (CAP) and taught this to other consultants and client groups. He's applied these concepts on hundreds of projects, and gained successes that couldn't have been achieved without using them.
When BR begin working with a client, a critical part of the initial information gathering process is the analysis of corporate culture. This can take many forms, from one question references in individual interactions to a comprehensive suite of custom designed assessments for the whole organization. This gives us a baseline of vital information needed to base improvement strategies upon.
We work with people at all levels of the organization to engineer not just the workflows and business processes comprising their day to day work, but also with them personally to help them embrace successful methods of behavior and style which supercharge the process improvements and raise the probability of them sticking hugely.
We can work on a specific cultural engineering basis, or include elements of this in a more general engagement for organizational improvement. If you'd like to find out more about Cultural Engineering at BR, please call us at (802) 870 3433 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.