Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care


Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

Bryan Research was contracted in 2016 to provide Practice Coaching services on the University of Vermont's Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care (IBHPC) initiative.

This is a research study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of truly integrated behavioral health, as opposed to behavioral health that is delivered in a co located manner, without true integration (as defined at It is a multi year, multi state study, comprising 44 practices across the USA who are evaluated initially, taken through a defined intervention with coaching support and evaluated both within and at the conclusion of the process. Lee is one of the three primary coaches on the coaching team (supported by two secondary coaches). All coaching is conducted remotely via Zoom. The study is still ongoing at the time of writing (February 2020) so we cannot go into details at this time.

As a result of this deep exposure to a spectrum of practices undergoing this intervention, we have significant experience in the evolution of practices towards integrated behavioral health, and can offer that experience and expertise to practices in the general domain who wish to benefit. We can:

The practices found coaching to be a positive and supportive experience. We are excited to explore how your practice could benefit from this experience. If this is a direction you are contemplating, or are already on, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (802) 870 3433.